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stacking auto limits


Thinking of moving in with your significant other?  You might want to check your personal auto policy first!  Co-habitation can often lead to driving one another's vehicle and that could be a problem if your significant other's liability limits are lower than yours.  Here's the deal.  If I cause an accident while driving my neighbor's car his liability policy will come into play.  Should the settlement go higher than his limits then my auto insurance would step in.  Cool, eh?  But if my neighbor and I lived in the same household and I drove his car I would only be defended by his insurance.  And if his limits were lower than mine I could have a real problem.  All of this is due to a clause in the auto contract that prohibits residents of the same household from 'stacking' their liability limits.  Bottom line is to make sure each of you have the same limits.  The higher, the better.

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