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Houck - Seward AgencyHouck - Seward Agency
1940 Eggert Road
Amherst, New York 14226
Phone: (716) 835-2525
Fax: (716) 835-7808

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When it comes to real estate it always seems to come down to 'location, location, location.'  Before you close on that dream house you'll need to find an insurance company that will insure that 'dream location.'  While a house will be the biggest investment most people make when it comes to their knowledge of it many buyers know considerably less about its infrastructure than the workings of their smart phone.  Insurance buyer's eyes appear to glaze over when asked about the age, type and condition of a building's infrastructure, plumbing, electrical, heating and roof.  Why is this information so important?  Check out next week's blog and find out!

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